Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

The Sims 3 Android

The Sims 3 dibangun di atas konsep yang sama seperti pendahulunya. Pemain mengendalikan Sims mereka sendiri dalam kegiatan dan hubungan dengan cara yang mirip dengan kehidupan nyata. Game yang terbuka dan tak terbatas. Rumah Sim dan lingkungan sepenuhnya dalam satu peta berkelanjutan. Para pengembang menyatakan, "Apa yang Anda lakukan di luar rumah Anda sekarang penting sebanyak apa yang Anda lakukan dalam." Salah satu perubahan terbesar untuk waralaba adalah penggunaan kelinci-lubang. Sims tidak diperbolehkan masuk ke dalam sebagian besar bangunan kota, melainkan mereka hanya menghilang di dalam untuk waktu tertentu-fitur yang dikenal dalam video game sebagai kelinci-lubang-sementara pemain diberikan pilihan yang sangat dasar tentang apa yang terjadi dalam tanpa benar-benar melihatnya. Angsuran sebelumnya memiliki banyak jenis Lokal dimana sims bisa melompat-lompat. Sebagai contoh, bukannya berjalan sim dan kencannya di dalam restoran dan menonton pelayan melayani mereka makan malam saat mereka menyondol satu sama lain di meja, seperti dalam The Sims 2, pemain kini menunggu di luar sementara mendapatkan text alert sedikit tentang kegiatan sim .
The Sims 2 menggunakan sistem penghargaan yang disebut Keinginan dan Ketakutan. Hal ini diganti dengan sistem baru yang disebut Wishes di The Sims 3. Memenuhi keinginan Sim memberikan kontribusi untuk skor Kebahagiaan Seumur Hidup Sim dan suasana hati. Beberapa keinginan, seperti "Pergi ke Taman", dapat menambah poin banyak untuk kebahagiaan hidup mereka sementara "Have A Baby Boy" dapat menambah ribuan poin. Dalam' The Sims 2, Keinginan dan ketakutan juga berkontribusi meter Sim "Aspirasi", kira-kira analog dengan saat ini harga diri. Dalam The Sims 3, Aspirasi akan dihapus seluruhnya, diganti dengan "Moodlets", yang menyumbangkan nilai-nilai positif atau negatif terhadap meteran Motivasi asli. Moodlets dapat terinspirasi oleh peristiwa fisik, seperti memiliki makanan yang baik atau kenyamanan dari duduk di kursi yang baik, serta peristiwa emosional seperti ciuman pertama atau break-up. Moodlets paling terakhir untuk jangka waktu yang ditetapkan, tetapi beberapa Moodlets negatif dapat disembuhkan (seperti yang dikeluarkan oleh kebutuhan mendesak untuk buang air kecil) dan beberapa yang positif bergantung pada lingkungan Sim dan sifat.
Permainan mencakup fitur opsional yang disebut "Kisah Progresi," yang memungkinkan semua Sims di lingkungan untuk mandiri terus seolah-olah pemain yang mengendalikan mereka, seperti tumbuh, menikah, mendapatkan pekerjaan dan promosi, telah anak-anak, membangun atau membeli mereka mimpi rumah sementara pemain tidak bermain. Sims hidup untuk durasi waktu tertentu (dapat diatur oleh pemain) dan terlebih dahulu melalui beberapa tahap (bayi, balita, anak, remaja, dewasa dewasa, muda, dan tua). Sims bisa mati dari usia atau mereka bisa meninggal secara prematur akibat penyebab seperti kebakaran, kelaparan, tenggelam, listrik, (per Dunia pak' Adventures ekspansi) The Mummy 's kutukan, (seperti dari ambisi pak ekspansi) sebuah meteor, dan (per paket Late Night' ekspansi) oleh kehausan (vampir saja). Salah satu penambahan baru utama gameplay adalah Peluang, tugas-tugas yang Sims dapat menyelesaikan untuk mendapatkan hadiah. Tantangan-tantangan ini terjadi secara acak berdasarkan aspek gaya hidup masing-masing Sim, seperti hubungan, keterampilan dan pekerjaan. Karir kesempatan seperti bekerja lembur atau menyelesaikan tugas-tugas khusus dapat menghasilkan kenaikan gaji, bonus tunai, atau meningkatkan hubungan. Peluang keterampilan adalah permintaan dari tetangga atau anggota masyarakat untuk Sims untuk memecahkan masalah dengan menggunakan keterampilan mereka diperoleh untuk hadiah uang tunai atau hubungan. Jika kesempatan terhubung ke sebuah sekolah Sim, hadiah dapat ditingkatkan kinerja sekolah.
Berikut Adalah Link  DOwnload The Sims 3 Android
Apk Warna Hitam dan Untuk Data warna Hijau Pasword : [Sebastian Dika ]
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Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Counter Strike Theme Pack (no icon)

Sobat-sobat Pernah Main Game Counter Strike???? Kalau Belum Apa Pernah Main PB??? Nah Kedua game tersebut memang sama genre dan cara bermainnya, game Counter strike Sekarang pun ada Theme nya Jika Sobat Pengwen Liat SSnya Chekibrrrrroooots: Gimana Serasa main CS kan Sobats!!!! :) :D Buat sobat yang mungkin tertarik ama theme ini silakan dunlud di bwh ini Download Theme Counter Strike Terimakasih(Thanks) Kepada(for) Niche blog itu adalah sumbernya
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Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

Install application to SD Card
Agan2 smua, ijinkan saya berbagi sedikit trik lagi neh..... smoga bermanfaat.

Dalam beberapa posting terakhir banyak dibahas ttg bagaimana cara mindahin aplikasi ke SD, pake apps 2 SD jg gak semuanya bisa termasuk mo mindahin NFS Shift (lumayan gede gan, hampir 40Mb), meski udah froyo ternyata tidak semua aplikasi bisa dipindahkan ke SD.

Pas mo coba dipindahin ternyata, tombol move to SD cardnya tidak aktif (contohnya bukan yg NFS ye.... ):

Spoiler for gak bisa pindah:

tapi jangan takut gan... ada cara laen tuk mengubah default install dari Internal Memory ke SD dan tentunya tidak perlu nge-root terlebih dahulu.

Sebelum menjalankan langkah2 dibawah ini, pastikan driver G551 sudah terinstall di PC (cara paling gampang install Samsung Kies).

Langkah2nya sbg berikut :

1. Set USB Debbuging di G551 (dari menu Setting -- Applications -- Development ) dan pasang kabel data.
Spoiler for USB Debugging:

2. Lagi2 tool yg bisa digunakan adalah SDK Android, bagi agan2 yg blum punya silahkan donlot di mari

3. Extract/Install file hasil donlot tsb, Untuk yg file installasi biasanya folder akan ditaruh di C:\Program Files\android-sdk-windows, sedang yg dari zip file terserah mau ditaruh di mana, kalo saya kebetulan di taruh di D:\android-sdk-windows.

4. Jalankan sdkmanager.exe (ada di folder android-sdk-windows, bahkan klo yg dari install otomatis akan dijalankan saat proses instalasi).

5. Pilih komponen yg harus diinstal, minimal spt yg terlihat di gambar dibawah ini :

Spoiler for sdk manager:

Tunggu sampai proses donlot dan install kelar... (lumayan gedhe filenya)

Setelah kelar akan terlihat seperti ini di sdk manager :

Spoiler for sdk manager:

Dengan selesainya intallasi ini nanti di dalam folder android-sdk-windows akan ada folder2 seperti ini :

Spoiler for folder:

6. Masuk ke command prompt dan change folder ke "platform-tools" yg ada di folder sdk-android-windows.
Spoiler for command prompt:

7. jalankan perintah "adb devices" untuk memastikan G551 telah telah terkoneksi dengan benar, nanti akan muncul list device yg terpasang.

Spoiler for adb:

8. Jalankan perintah "adb shell pm setInstallLocation 2" untuk mengubah default install ke SD Card (perintahnya case sensitive ya gan, thx to agan redzzz atas koreksinya).

Spoiler for adb:

Dalam kondisi ini, default instalasi akan dipindahkan dari Internal memory ke SD Card. Sementara untuk aplikasi yg sudah terinstall, saat kita masuk ke menu "Setting -- Applications -- Manage Applications", maka pilihan "Move ke SD card" akan aktif, sehingga aplikasi bisa dipindahkan ke SD Card.

Spoiler for bisa dipindah:

9. Untuk mengembalikan default install ke Internal Memory jalankan perintah "adb shell pm setInstallLocation 0"

Spoiler for adb:

Dengan cara ini NFS Shift terinstall di SD card, lumayan bisa ngirit hampir 39 Mb

Spoiler for NFS on SD Card:

sekian sedikit tips smoga berguna buat agan/sist smua di mari... mohon jang ditimpuk klo ada yg salah dgn tips ini...
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Galaxy Mini sebagai Modem

Berikut saya akan memberikan sedikit tips tentang sharing koneksi internet dari smartphone Galaxy Mini ke komputer atau menjadikan smartphone Galaxy Mini ini sebagai modem, yang dalam bahasa kerennya disebut USB tethering. Mungkin bagi sebagian yang belum tahu, apa sih ini maksudnya? Baiklah, akan saya ulas sedikit saja.

Sebuah komputer (PC desktop / laptop), agar bisa konek ke internet dibutuhkan suatu alat yang disebut Modem. Ada 2 jenis modem, yaitu modem GSM (menggunakan kartu GSM) dan modem CDMA (menggunakan kartu CDMA). Nah, si Galaxy Mini ini punya fungsi sebagai modem GSM. Untuk itu, kita bisa memanfaatkan si Galaxy Mini ini buat internetan di komputer.

Adapun syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi adalah:

1. Punya kabel data USB Galaxy Mini.

2. Komputer sudah diinstal Kies.

3. Kartu yang digunakan masih aktif dan pastinya sudah berlangganan paket data / internet. :D


Jika syarat-syaratnya sudah terpenuhi, maka tinggal ikuti step by step berikut:

1. Hubungkan smartphone Galaxy Mini ke komputer melalui kabel data USB.

2. Buka menu Settings >> Wireless and networks >> Tethering and portable hotspot , maka muncul seperti pada gambar,

3. Check / centang USB tethering.

4. Tunggu beberapa saat dan Konek deh tuh komputer ke internet!!!


Metode tersebut sudah saya tes dan berhasil di OS Windows 7.
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Senin, 04 Juni 2012

Angry Birds Skin Pack

Saya kembali sekarang saya mau memposting sebuah Tema Komputer di Windows 7 yaitu tema Angry Birds. Game angry birds memang sedang populer di dUnIa(@l4Y) Sudahkah sobat klick memainkannya??? cari aza di blog ini.
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Zenozia 4

Game RPG yang Cukup Bagus bagi yang suka berimajinasi.
silakan SEDOOOOT
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Assassin Creed Revalation

Following the ending of Brotherhood, present-day protagonist Desmond Miles has fallen into a coma due to the combined stress of killing Lucy Stillman and being in the Animus for prolonged periods of time. While Shaun Hastings stays behind in Rome to attend Lucy's funeral, Rebecca Crane takes Desmond to New York and meets with his father, William Miles. In an effort to save Desmond's mind, the duo places him back in the Animus, though this time, in the machine's safe mode, known as the "Black Room."
Upon awakening on Animus Island, the original Animus testing program located within the Black Room, Desmond meets the consciousness of Subject Sixteen, who occupied Abstergo's Animus before him. Sixteen explains that Desmond's mind is broken, and the only way for him to repair it is by reliving his ancestors' stories until there is nothing left for them to show Desmond, at which point the Animus can separate Desmond from Ezio and Altaïr, and awaken Desmond from his coma.[11]
Desmond enters the Animus Island's memory portal, which places him back in the perspective of Ezio Auditore . Four years after ending the life of Cesare Borgia, Ezio has traveled to the former Assassin's fortress in Masyaf to discover secrets Altaïr had previously discovered, and find the true purpose of the Assassins. Upon arriving, he finds Masyaf taken by the Templars, who mark him for death. Ezio escapes to the bowels of the castle, where he discovers the entrance to Altaïr's library.[12] He learns that five disc-like "keys" are required to unlock the door; that the Templars have one underneath the Ottoman Sultan's palace; and the rest lie hidden in Constantinople, part of the Ottoman Empire.[12][13] He travels there and is greeted by Yusuf Tazim, leader of the Turkish Assassin Order,[14] and befriends a young student named Suleiman.[15] Ezio learns that the keys were hidden in the city by Niccoló Polo. While searching for the old Polo trading post, Ezio encounters and befriends Sofia Sartor, a young Italian traveler and book collector, and eventually falls in love with her. Ezio discovers the locations of the remaining keys with Sofia's help, all the while keeping his intentions, growing feelings and position a secret from her.[16]
Meanwhile, Constantinople is in chaos due to conflicts between Prince Ahmet and his brother Selim, who are quarreling over who will inherit the Sultanate. Caught in the middle of the conflict, Suleiman reveals to Ezio that he is an Ottoman prince, and that he suspects the Templars are behind the feud. Ezio uncovers evidence that Manuel Palaiologos, with Templar support, is attempting to raise an army to overthrow the Ottomans and reestablish the Byzantine Empire. Ezio kills Manuel and recovers the final key,[17] only to discover that Ahmet is the true mastermind of the Templar plot to open Altaïr's library.
During these events, Ezio uses the keys in his possession to witness Altaïr's life after the events depicted in the first game. After killing Al-Mualim, Altaïr took possession of the Apple of Eden and assumed leadership of the Assassins. One of the Assassins, Abbas, did not support Altaïr due to past events, and for killing Al Mualim.[18] When Altaïr and his wife Maria left Masyaf for 10 years to repel the Mongol invasion, Abbas staged a coup d'etat, seizing control of the Assassins and executing Altaïr's youngest son Sef.[19] Altaïr sought revenge; but as Maria tried to stop him, another Assassin stabbed Maria in the back. Altaïr was forced to flee with his elder son, Darim, and went into self-imposed exile for 20 years. Altaïr finally returned to Masyaf, killed Abbas, then took his rightful place as the Assassins' leader. In the process, Altaïr told the dying Abbas the truth of the latter's father's death.[20] Years later, an aged Altaïr encodes his memories on the five keys Ezio would find, entrusting them to Niccoló.[21]
In Constantinople, Ezio discovers that Ahmet has killed Yusuf and kidnapped Sofia, demanding the keys in exchange for her life. Ezio agrees, but immediately gives chase upon ensuring Sofia's safety. He recovers the keys, but before he can deal with Ahmet, Selim arrives with his armies and executes Ahmet himself, after saying that their father "made his choice."[22] Due to his son Suleiman's endorsement, Selim has Ezio leave Constantinople, warning him never to return again. After completing this memory, the Animus begins to delete excess data—including Animus Island. Sixteen sacrifices himself to prevent Desmond from being deleted by the Animus.[23]
Ezio and Sofia return to Masyaf, where Ezio uses the keys to unlock Altaïr's library. He finds it empty except for Altaïr's skeleton and a sixth key. He discovers that the library was not meant to hold books—rather, it was a vault meant to house Altaïr's Apple of Eden.[24] Through the key, Ezio learns that Altaïr had sealed himself inside to preserve its secret from the Templars. Ezio leaves this Apple in the library, saying "I have seen enough for one life." [25] He then begins talking directly to Desmond, not knowing exactly who (or where) he is, but knowing that he is watching. He tells Desmond of his intention to retire from the Assassins, believing he has served his purpose. He expresses hope that Desmond will be able to find answers to the questions he and Altaïr had worked so hard to uncover.[25]
Suddenly, Desmond is approached by Jupiter, a member of the First Civilization. He explains that the First Civilization had built numerous vaults to study methods to save the planet from destruction. All of the data collected was transmitted to a central vault, where the data was tested. None of the methods were effective, however, and they failed to stop the solar flare from destroying their civilization. Jupiter shows Desmond the location of the central vault, and tell him that he must save the planet from an impending second solar flare.
Upon hearing Jupiter's words, Desmond awakens from his coma and finds Rebecca and William standing with him, along with Shaun, who has returned from Rome. Desmond states that he knows what they must now do; meanwhile, the central vault activates underground.

Multiplayer plot

The multiplayer aspect has its own plot from the Templar perspective. After training to become a Master Templar and being allowed into the Abstergo inner sanctum, the player is implanted with a tracker to ensure his/her trustworthiness. It is implied that Daniel Cross (Subject 4) is a member of the Templar inner sanctum. After reaching level 50 in the multiplayer, the player is dubbed an active agent, and assigned the task of retrieving the current Assassin Order Mentor, William Miles.
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The next Amazing game that can you download here... Yes,,,thas right that's COD MW 3...the perfect game that can make you feel at the great war...that's game can you download in torrent file,...

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Call of Juarez the Cartel

As I mentioned earlier I will post all pc games in torrent this is the first torrent game I post.
Hail to Call of Juarez the cartel
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GTA 4 + Crack [PC]

Setelah sebelumnya saya memposting game PC yaitu Crash Rcing (CTR) sekarng saya akan memposting game yang cukup terkenal di dunia, ya game ini memang pernah muncul di PS 2.
Game ini adalah GTA 4
GTAAdalah Game yang cukup Brutal (bagi Saya ingat)
Game ini memang cukup mengasikan. Ada beberapa misi yang menantang dl.
tunggu apalagi download dong di bawah inii
On July 4, 2011, the offices of the Drug Enforcement Administration are bombed by unknown assailants. Assistant Deputy Director Shane Dickson enlists Ben McCall, along with FBI agent Kimberly Evans and DEA agent Eddie Guerra to track down the culprits, with the Mendoza Cartel and Antonio Alvarez as prime suspects. She informs them of the late Patrick Stone, who was investigating the Cartel up until his death in the bombing. They are also tasked with protecting Stone's only daughter, Jessica, a key informant in the investigation, whom they place under witness protection. Kim reveals that the Cartel has been purchasing military-grade hardware from an unknown source.
The trio proceeds to strike at the Cartel through their distributors—domestic street gangs, such as Araña and the Rolling 50’s, and clash in skirmishes with Araña's rivals, the Vatos Locos. The team burn cannabis fields, raid a gang house, disrupt a sex trafficking ring (which also was housing shipments of cannabis), and intercept a large shipment of cash following an extensive car chase and gunfight.
At Eddie's behest, the team decides to move Jessica to a different safe house across the city in a car driven by one Sergeant Dempsey. Almost immediately, they are intercepted by Araña gangsters and chased along the freeway until their car is hit by a semi truck. Dempsey is killed, but the rest manage to escape in stolen transportation. Realizing that someone let slip their plans, they resolve to trust no one—not even each other—until their mission is complete.
Afterwards, they find a number for Stone's retired acquaintance, Kevin Donleavy, who received a package upon his death. They arrange a meeting at the Panorama nightclub, but upon arrival Ben notices Alvarez among the crowd. After approaching her at the bar and handing her a key, Donleavy is killed by a sniper, uttering only the words "Eagle Pass" before dying. Jessica flees the scene in terror, with Alvarez in pursuit; despite their best efforts, the three are unable to find her afterwards.
Eddie and Kim learn that Jesús Mendoza, son of Cartel boss Juan Mendoza, is headed to Los Angeles in response to the stolen money delivery. Realizing that abducting Jesús would lead them to the Cartel's arms dealer and grant them a powerful bargaining chip, Eddie asks his street dealer, Hector, to tell Araña to mark anyone asking about the stolen cash, then convinces another dealer, Flaco, to contact Araña about the exact topic. Armed thugs promptly arrive and execute Flaco, and retreat to the El Dorado nightclub to inform their guest, unaware they are being followed; there, the agents fight through Araña gang members and chase down Jesús, stowing him into the trunk of their van.
Ben interrogates Jesús about the Cartel, learning that Alvarez has indeed captured Jessica, and that Jesús was to meet with Michael Duke, CEO of the bankrupt PMC Peacekeepers International, and the Cartel's contact for high-end weaponry; satisfied, they lock Jesús inside a development building.
The next day, the trio rendezvous with Duke at a ghost town (The same town where Ray and Thomas fought a group of Pinkertons in Bound in Blood) in Jesús' stead, Eddie dressed as Jesús, Kim as his escort and Ben as "Harris", a weapons expert. However, Duke reveals Alvarez has arrived, as well; Alvarez recognizes them immediately, but sardonically plays along with their disguises. After a weapons demonstration and unexpectedly dangerous live-fire exercise, Duke rejects the Cartel's payment, and states his new price—Monteczuma's legendary treasure, The Gold of Juarez, long since unearthed and relocated to the National Museum in Juarez, Mexico.
That night, gangsters attack the team at their motel, demolishing the walls with a wrecking ball. Despite his multiple attempts at escape, the agents retrieve Jesús and bring him to the Mexican border in exchange for Jessica. However, as the two hostages pass, Alvarez shoots them both with a sniper rifle, killing Jesús and wounding Jessica. The team manages to rescue her, but she soon dies. After an argument in which Ben reveals that Kim shot Donleavy, Eddie then reveals to the rest of the team that Donleavy gave him a key to "Eagle Pass" earlier.
The team use the key to open a locker at a bus station, inside is the package that Donleavy mentioned, which turns out to be a cd that Patrick Stone recorded, on the cd, Patrick says that Shane Dickson is corrupt and was the one who introduced Michael Duke to the Mendoza Cartel, he expresses regret at not testifying against Alvarez back in Vietnam (where Alvarez was tried for raping and murdering a Vietnamese civilian in Saigon back in 1972, but was deemed innocent) and reveals that Ben is the only person he trusted to look after Jess.
Soon after, the team head to a farmhouse and after fighting through some thugs, find a secret underground smuggling passage, the tunnel leads them under the border to an old fort (Juarez' Alcazar) where Mendoza and Duke's men are loading up the Gold of Juarez into trucks, the team manage to kill all the men and then decide to plot Duke and Mendoza against one another by taking the Gold and pinning it on Duke via text message and sending Duke a letter about Mendoza deciding to take the weapons and the Gold all for himself.
The next day, the team plans to capture Mendoza at Jesús' funeral, but Duke's men arrive and the team chase after Mendoza, fighting both men's armies until they corner him in a church. Duke then tries to kill Mendoza himself in an attack chopper, which the team manages to destroy, killing Duke in the process. They then chase after Mendoza, only for Alvarez to show up and rescue him.
The team then storms Mendoza's Hacienda, killing more of his men and finally manage to corner Mendoza, who promptly surrenders. Ben tries to strong-arm him into testifying, only for Mendoza to be killed by an unmanned aircraft drone, which fires upon the rest of the team, who realize that Dickson must've sent the drone after them in order to cover up her tracks. Ben says that Alvarez is the only one left who can testify to Dickson's involvement. The team chase him into a cellar, where they split into three paths. Kim and Eddie are contacted by their superiors who encourage them to kill off their teammates, while Dickson orders Ben to walk away, or "things will go badly" for him. The team manages to corner Alvarez, who reveals that Eddie's debts have been paid off in exchange for his agency to hold him responsible for his illegal actions, Kim reveals that Alvarez is a federal informant and was their link to the Cartel. Ben wants to kill Alavarez in retaliation for his crimes, Kim wants Alvarez alive so Dickson and Waters (Head of the FBI) can go to prison and Eddie wants to split the drug money three ways where they can start with a clean slate.
The team engage in a Mexican stand-off and the player is presented with a choice to either kill his/her teammates or decide not to fight, choosing to kill your teammates results in Alvarez detonating a grenade and escaping, after which you kill your teammates and get different fates for each character, Ben goes to prison while the US prepares to go to war with Mexico, Kim slaps Dickson after being awarded a medal, and is apprehended, and Eddie gets killed (presumably by the person who was blackmailing him). If you choose not to fight, the team lets Alvarez live.
Later on, Alvarez testifies against Dickson's involvement, resulting in her arrest. Eddie and Kim both end up in jail for their actions and Ben is shown placing flowers on Patrick and Jessica's grave, and pulling out a Bible, finally seeking redemption.
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